HACK notes ========== Wands Notes ----- ----- Cancellation Unknown Cold Bounces Create monster Death Bounces Digging Make your own tunnels Fire Bounces Light Magic missile Bounces Make invisible Makes monster invisible Polymorph Change a monster into another monster Secret door detection Sleep Bounces Slow Monster Give monster half as many attacks Speed Monster Give monster twice as many attacks Striking Minor damage, breaks rocks Teleportation Teleport monster Undead Turning Turn vampires, zombies, & wrights Wishing Wish for ANY object. The object may be cursed. You must type the ENTIRE name or it won't work RINGS Notes ----- ----- Aggravate Monster Give monster improved hits Adornment No magical properties Cold resistance Conflict Adjacent monsters attack each other Poison resistance Fire resistance Gain strength Hunger Increase Damage Improve your hits Levitation Protection Improves armor class Protection from Shape Changers See through mimics Regeneration Restores 1 hit point per move Searching Immediate secret door/trap detection See Invisible See invisible monsters Stealth Sneak by monsters Teleportation Random teleportation Teleport Control Control teleport rings, scrolls, and traps Warning Warns of danger (Red = trap, White = monster) SCROLLS Notes ------- ----- Amnesia Thinking of Maud you forget your map Blank paper No magical properties Confuse Monster Create monster Damage Weapon Destroy Armor Ruins only your outermost garment Enchant Armor Attempts past +5 result in evaporation Enchant Weapon Also changes a worm tooth to a crysknife Food detection Fire Permanently removes some hit points Genocide Wipes out an entire species Gold detection Identify Identifies one or more objects in your possession Light Magic mapping Maps entire level for you Punishment Carry around a ball and chain Get rid of with REMOVE CURSE scroll Remove Curse Scare Monster Taming Tame otherwise violent monsters Teleportation Teleport yourself POTIONS Notes ------- ----- Blindness Booze Causes minor confusion Confusion Confusion Extra-Healing Cures poison Fruit Juice Gain level Add an experience level Healing Cures darkness & amnesia Invisibility You cannot see your "@" Levitation Monster Detection Object Detection Paralysis Restore Strength Restore strength to maximum for your experience level Sickness Poison Speed Move faster ARMOR A/C Notes ----- --- ----- Plate Mail 3 The best armor Banded Mail 4 Scale/Splint Mail 5 Chain Mail 6 Ring Mail/Studded Leather Armor 7 Leather Armor 8 No rust/corrosion Elven Cloak 9 No rust/corrosion, can be worn over others No armor 10 Helmet Protection from falling piercers Pair of gloves Shield FOOD Notes ---- ----- Tins May contain spinach [gain strength] to salmon [drop cursed items] Fortune Cookie Sometimes helpful clues Dead Lizard Protection from cockatrices Killer bees ONE freshly killed will protect you from killer bee stings Leprechauns, Nymphs, Unicorns Cause teleportitus Floating Eyes Monster detection when blind Mimics You mimic a chest of gold for awhile Bats Confusion Wraiths Gain a level